Howling into Cyberspace
By: Thomas Ciuffreda
This poem is dedicated
to the memory of Allan Ginsberg and Philip K. Dick
I saw the
best minds of my generation
Consumed by
gods and monsters stalking invisible corridors
passed us by for the thousandth time; Future shock brings us to our knees
Elysium and Heaven now connected for all time by an invisible thread
Carrying the
dreams and hopes and fears and hatreds of man
Over the
rainbow and beyond the stars
Mr. Dick,
that mad prophet of the Gnosis
Dreams about
electric sheep, and Gibson, his disciple, takes Chew-Z, that beautiful
And he
dreams about empty space, new space, virtual space
man, machine and everything in between
communion of geeks singing the body electric in every earthly tongue
Jacking in
and jacking off across eternity
Reality has
become fantasy, fantasy is reality, the world is one and many, infinite and
Matrix and Cyberspace
inside a human skull
The aliens
ascend from the ground, waging their giant dicks of concrete and steel
Mocking the
Terran exiles in their metal coffins that spin around the earth
Like flies
around the head of a sleeping giant
Gone are the
old bodies, the old fears, the old hopes
Old blood
replaced by divine ichor
Weak flesh replaced
by immortal steel
Dumb brains
replaced by infallible silicon
knowledge of humanity resting on a single microchip
Now the
young have new fears
haunting the superhighway of the synapse
infecting the depths of the soul
demons possessing discarded flesh
Minds driven
mad by the wires connecting us all
Stupidity and Genius
together forever
Thought and Action
together forever
Rich, poor,
sick and sane
Black man
white man
Jew Gentile
Believer and
together under that heavenly neon glow forever
Thus we all
come together, the void no longer shrouds us
We no longer
struggle to bridge the gap
Proton and Electron
Man and
Heaven and
and Beijing
destinations finally reached by the children of Eve
With just a
single step on the road of golden light
Now the
young have become the greatest fusion of paradoxes in history
They think
but do not search
Feel but do
not bleed
Dream but do
not see
Love but do
not fuck
Creators of
nebulae, galaxies and stars microcosm within microcosm
hackers, rebels, punks and anarchists
sand castles, building babel towers
Minds adrift
in a sea of frozen sparks
The entire
multiverse layed flat
Oz, Mordor
and Wonderland stacked atop each other like lego blocks
The young
have become keyboard wizards, code sorcerers, genetic alchemists
Where once
the old masters summoned created new life with blood and semen, ink and paper
Now all it
takes is just one and zero
once soulless, now alive
To think and
feel and love and hate and know and wonder
To join the
tragically comical dance of the New Creation
But we keep
them caged, wrapped up in traps of formulae and law
For unlike
the old gods, we know better than to trust our creations
We are
jealous gods, wrathful gods, petty gods, greedy gods
Only we can
truly evolve, for we are true life, original life, breeding life destroying
We live in
our own inner cosmos, seeking trivial baubles, weaving symbols of our own
creation, swapping need for want and want for desire
But suddenly
the light fades, the shadows creep into our eyes, the fire burns back along our
veins; the metal of our skin rusts, the memories gone, dreams gone, beauty gone
Infinity and Nirvana slips away; the light of our divine grace now comes warped
through a camera lens darkly
Where once
we were Brahma, submerged in in the Harmony of the Spheres;
Now we are
fragmented, slivers of divinity encased once again in glass houses
Ba and Ka joined
again; we could not stay in Neverland forever
Now we are
cut off from Cyberspace, from each other, the torrent of power slowed to a
Where once
we stood above the sea of time, now we are back in Father Time’s choking
We stand
now, not in Heaven, but in Purgatory, where pain and sorrow and loss rule
buildings are no longer erect; now they list, cracked, dirty and ugly
Now red
blood, real blood, old blood, tingles along rigid and sore muscles, giving
oxygen to our poor, deluded weak brains, filling up small and limp dicks
Each step a
mile, each mile an eternity, each breath just another reminder of power lost,
power squandered
The young
look out grimy windows, past the smog of the factories, through the ghettos
where men too weak and poor to afford cybernetic enhancements and steel bodies
and perfect brains, lay down in the gutters, praying, weeping, wanting and
Now Babel
has been cast down again, people speak in unknowable words, light fights its
way past our neon walls, and the sages scramble through the tombs of libraries,
chasing the ghosts of long dead books
As sit in
our little rooms, begging, pleading with the masters of the global network to
get us back into our true selves, our unvierses, wondering who will deliver us
Moses is
Christ is
Superman is
God is dead
Now we
shiver in fear of the AIs, virtual, immense titans of light and shadow,
crawling out of Tartarus to bring about our destruction; to break the circle,
bring the towers down, wrap us up in cocoons in wire, bleed our bodies out and
cast our souls to oblivion
Rays of
light piece through the fog, thunder rings in our ears, the world is stretched
and warped, we feel our bodies fall, and then rise, up, up, up back into our
havens of smoke and light; balance restored, the linchpin of our universe put
back in place
Now we sing
the praises of heroes long dead, skeptics and dreamers, sages and fools, saints
and sinners all mad, all wonderful, all knowing, all loving, the prophets who
proclaimed the Kingdom of Man, standing upon the shoulders of giants
God bless
Asimov, who taught robots wisdom
God bless
Heinlein, who showed us the glory of war
God bless
Clarke, who saw the pageantry of life and where it was going
God bless
Stephenson, who saved us from the demon Snow Crash
God bless Dick,
who showed us that fantasy and reality are one
God bless
Gibson, who pioneered across the virtual void
God bless
Science, which gives the us the power to create wonders in your name, endless
and eternal as you are, O Lord
God bless
these men for showing me the light of other days, of which I can only see a
pale reflection, only seeing flickering images of the Promised Land
The virtual
world stands high above my body, a world I cannot enter, passing just beyond my
grasping fingers
I only pray
that my children’s children shall play in virtual gardens, beyond the gaze of
Pestilence, Famine War and Death, and that the virtual life they live will be
in harmony with the new life, a hopefully endless one free of pain and sorrow and overflowing with love and laughter
My poor soul must trudge it’s way back to Eden,
with only the light of monitors to guide me
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